PASSCO was established in 1973 and commenced its operations in May, 1974. It was registered as a Public Limited Company with authorization of Rs. 100 million and paid up capital of Rs. 30 million. 75% of paid up capital was contributed by five Commercial Nationalized Banks and ADBP (now ZTBL) and balance 25% was subscribed by the Federal Government. The Board of Directors, who are appointed by the shareholders, control the Corporation. Secretary M/O NFS&R is Chairman of the Board of Directors and Managing Director is Ex-officio Director of the Board.
In its 49 years of service to the Nation, PASSCO played a significant role in Pakistan’s success in transforming the crisis management oriented food security into a stable food security system to ensure availability, accessibility, affordability of food grains specially wheat at national level to all wheat deficit provinces i.e Gilgit Baltistan, KPK, Balochistan, AJK and Armed Forces of Pakistan . At International level to World Food Program, SAARC Food Bank and where ever called upon by the Federal Government.
From a handful of employees working at hired sites to a full scale corporation dealing in international trade, incorporating tech savvy solutions for our partners, we have grown as an organization both in culture and in practice.
At PASSCO we are committed to work in collaboration with the Federal Government and the Pakistani farmer creating a win-win solution for ourselves and our partners in business.
We provide leadership on food and agriculture, based on sound public policy, the best available science, and efficient management.As a public Limited Company, within the ambit / parameters of its mission, the corporation has been assigned following major functions:-
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Tel: 042-99201461 Ext: 1510
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